Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Next leader

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabaraakatuh

Honorable the headmaster of senior high school 3 Bandung
honorable the all of the teachers and staff
and my beloved friends

Good Morning everyone, I am andika satria pradana from eleven science two, if i elected to be the leader of the student's council my vision is make senior high school 3 bandung to be the best school in attitude and knowledge also make the student more creative, innovative, in developing the nation's cultural based our faith to god. it means that we have to increase or elevate our school ability to be the best school in our region.

So i need missions to interpret my vision and i need all of your supports. my missions are increase or develop our faith to the one and only god and our taqwa to the god. All of the knowledge is important but thats nothing if we dont have good attitude or character to our god. Our god is everything. Thats our obligation to pray to our god. So i will make the spiritual extraculiculer to support my mission here.

The second one is develop the family's principal in our social life. The social life is the important thing that we do everyday to anyone and to our enviroments. like our family we have to love our friends and our teachers. With that princip i swear that all of every little things about social life is well.

The third one is developing the students discipline in our school. little thing but influenced the big thing. Started from come to school on time also our uniform. We have to obligate all of the school's rules. Because the rule was made to develop our discipline so we have to obligate it.

And the last is develop our abilities and prove it. Its my big mission . First i will make the knowledge group consists of  Icho, IMO, IBO, IPhO, IAO, IEO, IGeO,. The first is icho or international science olympiade will develop you chemistry knowledge and ability. IMO for mathematics, IPho for physics, IBO for biology, IAO for astronomy, IEO for economic and IGeO for geography. so you can develop and add you knowledge there and also i will make the big event for prove or compare our ability with other school in every subjects that i had mentioned.

Then to develop our language ability, i will make the english club and karya ilmiah club. The english club is the club which every member have to speak english and also learn the literature such as speech, story telling, mini drama and others. And the karya ilmiah club is the club which explore your  knowledge and innovation also your creativition. you can share everything and make everything usefull here!

So thats all about my vision and my missions if i elected to be the leader of students council. I cant prove it if i dont get your support. so your supports are very meaningfull to me. I hope we can show to the world that our school is the big school with the big innovation. All of our need is proof not just the promises. Students council is not campaign event and not private or personal power but student council is ours.

Thank you for your attention, and Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabaraakatuh!

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