Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

My Holiday

Holiday!!! who's not happy when you hear that word? such a beautiful word in the world. Refreshing after you do the boring rutinity. The time when you can wake up not early as usual. When there's nothing will stop you to doing crazy things. Well, this is my holiday...

On 17th December - 19th December 2013, my school held some programm or outdoor study program and this is the one of the part of semester's credit system so i won't missed it. The programm called BakDes or Bakti Desa. In this programm, the students visited a village and we would doin some interactions with the villagers. We were classified and divided into a few group. I was grouped with Alza and Bima and we were located on Mr. Agus's house in RT number 15. Mr. Agus worked as chilli's seller in Jakarta. He was on refreshing so he stayed at home on a few month. He has 2 Childrens, they're Sonia (12 years old) and Fajar (1 year old). Mr. Agus has a hectar of field which organized with his uncle.

The view from Mr. Agus's field

On 17th December, we arrived at the village, the Sukapura Village at 12.00 IWT. And at 1.00 IWT, we were going to our hostfam, it was Mr. Agus's house. We met him and greet each other. We introduced ourselves and shared our moments. We were greet with some food for lunch. After we got some lunch, we were going to the RT number 19 for playing football with the villagers. After that, we got back to our house. Our hostfam asked for dinner but i couldn't because i was still full ath the time.  At night, we shared our moments again with Mr. Agus. He told us about his experience in jakarta also his experience when he met his wife. His wife pure from Sukapura Village. He told us about how to protect ourselves when we lived in the big city and knowed how evil jakarta is. At 23.00 we slept in front of tv corner.

On 18 December, Mr. Agus asked us for some help in the field. Before we went to the field, we had breakfast, after got friedrice for breakfast, at 08.00 IWT we went to his field, it was about 7 kilometers to the hills what a tired journey. After we arrived at his field at 09.30 IWT, we helped him to picked the old cabbages, carrots, also the potatoes. We met with other groups from other RT on the way to the field also when we picked the cabbages. At 11.00 IWT we went home. Mr. Agus's wife asked us for lunch, but i couldn't because i was still full at the time too. So, i washed the cabbages, carrots and potatoes in front of the house. After that, me, alza and bima prayed in musholla and after that i slept in the sofa. Alza and Bima talked about their experiences to Mr. Agus. I woke up at 16.00 and prayed ashar. At 18.00 IWT, me, alza and bima prayed maghrib and went to the RT number 19 but before that, We were invited to had some barbeque at ghalib, darso, and sobari's hosthouse. At 19.00 IWT we went to the RT number 19 for Makrab or Malam akran with eleven science two. We went back to Mr. Agus's house at 22.00 IWT and slept.

The picture when we made "ayam bakar"

On 19th December, At 07.00 we got some breakfast and at 08.00 IWT we went to the Kades or Kepaladesa's office to packaged sembako (noodles, fried oil, sugar, etc.)  also we did some social activity such planted the tree and picked up the trashes. Then, we went back to Our Hosthouse or Mr. Agus's house and got ready for back to Bandung. Before we got back to Bandung, we got lunch. We ate the noodles, tempe, and tahu. The other friends were waiting for us in the TNi's Truck. And we went back to Bandung at 16.00 IWT and it was nice and great experiences in the nice and great place or village. I won't forget it !!! We got ready to picked up our report tomorrow at the school.

On 24th December, my father asked me to went to Surabaya and Gresik. At 18.00 IWT I arrived at Husein Sastranegara Airport in Bandung and I got the plane at the 19.00 IWT. After checked in, I had got dinner in the airport. After that, I got to the plane. I went to Surabaya with my brother and my grandmother. We arrived at juanda airport in Surabaya. My father picked us up and we went to gresik to my house in Gresik. Gresik with Surabaya was near. so we took 30 minutes to Gresik from the airport. i was very sleepy at the time so when i arrived at home, i slept.

On 25th December i just stayed at home and watching tv. On the next day, me, my brother and my father went to the mosque for prayed jum'at in the Semen Indonesia's mosque. My father worked in PT. Semen Indonesia, Tbk so, my house was near with the Semen Indonesia's mosque. Eventhough the air was hot but i was still happy because this was holiday time !!!. After we prayed, we went for lunch and ate nasi bungkus. Many people invested their money to made restaurants. On 27 Decrmber 2013,  my father brang us to the tunjungan plaza's mal in Surabaya and had dinner in Kedung Doro street in Surabaya. On the next day, my father brang me and my brother to Surabaya and walked arround the Surabaya, what a great day... we went to the monument and historical place in surabaya.

On 31 December 2013, we would celebrate the new year at the PT. Semen indonesia's stage in front of our house. The sky getting dark and at 22.00 IWT we went to the PT. Semen indonesia's stage to watched some movie and watched the fireworks at 00.00 in 2014, happy new year!!!!.Pt Semen Indonesia Wasted IDR 200,000,000 for the firework show. After that we went to McD for supper and went back home at 01.00IWT in 2014!!!!!. At 2nd January 2014 i went back to bandung because gamtek's task was waiting for me.

Ms. Ima wanted some  gifts. And they were MONOCROMATICS AND POLYCROMATICS tasks. It was stressing time. I had bought some paints and water colours. I bought it in balubur and started to do it that night. I asked my friends how to make it and how to do it. Monocromatics just need 2 colours, blue and white but in other case with polycromatics, they needed 5 colours and that made me crazy when i had to mixed it. I made it in a week and fortunately i got +3 because i worked it on time.

This is my monocromatics and policromatics tasks

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