Kamis, 26 September 2013

Announcement of Visa (Andika Satria Pradana and M. Eka Putra)

General Information
Examples of Immigrant Visa based petitions are those that work toward family reunification of parents, children and siblings. These petitions also include FiancĂ©e and the unique employer category, where one’s employer can petition for the individual and their dependents to immigrate to the United States  As of January 1, 2012, the U.S. Consulate General in Chennai stopped processing Immigrant Visa petitions. The U.S. Embassy in New Delhi and U.S. Consulate in Mumbai are the only acceptance centers in India for Immigrant Visas. The Immigrant Visa allows an individual to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis, as well as provides the immigrant the opportunity to work towards U.S. citizenship.
This change affected only the locations for processing of Immigrant Visas; it has not changed the law or policy for visa processing.
Immigrant visas are for persons who plan to live permanently in the United States. Processing an immigrant visa takes time and planning. Please review the information on the left side of this web page about eligibility, fees, and documents required.
The questions and the answers : 
1. Whats the announcement about?
answer : the announcement tell us about the U.S. Consulate General in Chennai no longer processes Immigrant Visa petitions.

2. How to process this immigrant visa based on the announcement?

Answer:  Processing an immigrant visa takes time and planning. Please review the information on the web page about eligibility, fees, and documents required.

3. Who is the object for this announcement?

Answer : These immigrant visa announcement just for the people which wanna live permanently in United States

4. Which embbassys will use for acceptance centers in india?

Answer : The U.S. Embassy in New Delhi and U.S. Consulate in Mumbai are the only acceptance centers in India for Immigrant Visas.

5. Will this announcement change the law or policy for visa processing?

Answer : This change affected only the locations for processing of Immigrant Visas; it has not changed the law or policy for visa processing.

Rabu, 25 September 2013

the short story and the summary of short story (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)

A boy called Peter lived with his parents in a village on the hillside. His parents, like most of the other people in the village, were sheep farmers. Everybody in the village took turns to look after the sheep, and when Peter was 10 years old, he was considered old enough to take his turn at shepherding.

But Peter was too easily bored, and he found it very tiresome being on the hillside with only sheep for company. So he’d find ways to amuse himself, running up rocks, climbing trees, chasing sheep, but nothing really kept him amused for very long. Then he hit upon a brilliant idea. He climbed to the top of the tallest tree, and started shouting towards the village: “Wolf! Wolf! Wooolf! Woohoolf!”

One of the villagers heard him, and got all the other men together, and armed with axes, hoes and forks, they ran out of the village to chase away the wolf and save their herd. Of course when they got there, they merely found Peter perched high up in his tree, laughing, and the sheep grazing peacefully. They were very annoyed with him. That night Peter got a spanking from his mother and was sent to bed without any supper.

For a while life went on again as normal, and people forgot about the incident. Peter managed to behave himself whenever it was his turn to mind the sheep. Until one day, he got really bored again. He picked up some sticks, and running through where the sheep were grazing, he started hitting the sticks together, and shouting: “Wolf! Wolf! Wooolf! Woohoolf! Woohoohoooolf!”

Sure enough, somebody in the village heard and before long the men all come running up the hill armed with their sticks and axes and hoes and shovels, ready to chase away the big bad wolf, and save their sheep and the poor shepherd boy. Imagine their consternation when they arrived in the field to see their herd grazing peacefully, and Peter sitting on a big rock, laughing uncontrollably.

That night Peter got a good telling off, an even better spanking from his mother, and was again sent to bed without any supper. For a few days people in the village went around moaning about Peter and his tricks, but before long things settled down again, and life resumed its normal uneventful course, and Peter had to do his turn at shepherding again every now and then. He decided he should behave himself, he really didn’t want to upset everybody all the time, and he especially didn’t want another one of his mother’s spankings!

Then, one afternoon when Peter was in the fields with the sheep, he noticed some of them were getting nervous, they started bleating and running hither and thither. Peter didn’t know what was the cause of this strange behaviour, sheep were running all over and making an ever louder racket. He got worried and decided to climb a tree so he could see what was going on. He balanced on a sturdy branch and looked around, what he saw almost made him fall out of the tree. There was a great big hairy wolf, chasing the sheep, biting at their legs, snapping at their tails. For a few seconds Peter was speechless. Then he started shouting: “Woolf! Woolof! Woohoohooloof!”

In the village an old man heard the shouting. “Oh no, not that Peter again”, he said, shaking his head. “What’s going on?” enquired another villager. “It’s that Peter again, he just can’t help himself”.

“That boy needs to be the centre of attention all the time”, said another. “Wait till his mother gets a hold of him”, added yet another. Nobody believed that this time there really was a wolf, and nobody got their hoe out, or their axe, or their shovel. All the sticks were left in the sheds and nobody rushed up the hillside. It wasn’t until very much later that afternoon, that the boy sent to take over the shepherding from Peter found dead sheep’s bodies strewn all over the hillside, and Peter still up there in his tree, whimpering, that the villagers found out there really had been a wolf this time.

At last Peter learnt his lesson, that if you always tell lies, people will eventually stop believing you; and then when you’re telling the truth for a change, when you really need them to believe you, they won’t.

(Story's Source : http://www.fairytalesoftheworld.com/fairy-tales/european-stories/boy-who-cried-wolf.html)

Publish The Summary of  Short Story

Title : The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Character :
-Peter : annoying and silly person
-The other sheperd : kind and carefull
Plot or Synopsis : once upon a time there was a boy who had to look after sheep, it was very very boring job, just sitting on the hill side and watch the sheep eat the grass, he had to think fun thinks to do, but he couldnt. One day, he found funny trick,  he pretend that the wolf coming to eat the ship, so he stood up and shouted as loud as he could and suddenly the other sheperds came to help the boy, the boy was laughing very loud because the other sheperds was tricked, and again he do the same thing, and again the other sheperds were tricked, and one day there was a wolf which wanna eat the sheeps, it was very enourmous and very big, the boy was shocked and scream as loud as he could but no one came because the other sheperds though the silli boy was playing his trick. so, the all of the boy's sheeps were died. and its though him to not tell the lies.
Moral value : dont tell the lies because its very disadvantages for us and other people

Top 2 the poem of the poemhunter

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.


Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

source : www.poemhunter.com

Kamis, 12 September 2013


Coyota (Canis) Close or look like grey wolf and red wolf. Their kingdom is animalia, their phylum is chordata, their class is mamalia, their ordo is carnivora, their family is canidae, their genus is canis. The species of these genus are latrans, letres, ochropus, texensis, etc. There were 19 species identified in the world. Firstly, they were found in America also in Panama, and they were imigrated in 19 centuries to other place or regional in America and now you can find them in california and oregon city.They likes to live in a group, like aritoteles told that the coyota find their prey together and eat their prey alone, the strongest one in their group will eat their prey.

Their ages is about 6 years untill 10 years. And they are very easy to do adaptation with citizens or people, but people which live in coyota regional, always bothered because the coyota like to howling at the midnight. Their heigt is about 0,6 meter and they have different fuhr's colour. Their ears and nose are too long, and it's look like unproportional face, and make them were very enormous and not kind animaTheir weight is about 9-22kg and the average is 14 kg. But the grey coyota has weight abiut 34-57 kg. They can run untill 69 km/hours when their find their prey.

Coyota is the beast animal and very dangerous animal. Don't try to feet them because they can eat your hand. Their teeths were very strong and sharp. Coyota also well-known as pet,s predator, because coyota can get in into the farm and eat all of the sheeps. it was horrible thing for the farmer. Their weird habbit are diet and hunting. When their hunting some prey, they can be very dangerous and very enormous, but when they are full, they won't eat anything or diet untill one week. So don't affraid with the full coyota but you have to becareful of coyota's attack.

Photo's and information source : www.wikipedia.com (keyword : coyote)


My name is Andika Satria Pradana. My nickname is andi. I was born Padang on 20th December 1997. Since 2013, I live at Ligarsari 1 no. 4, Awiligar, Bandung. I  come from Padang. In Padang (since 1997), I live in Parak Gadang street no. 14C. I have 2 sisters also 1 brother. My father is an engineer and my mother is a housewife. My weakness are lazy, not too discipline, etc. My ambition is to be the good person in everythings in my life. My motto is your time to life is your chance to keep survive.

On 2000, I was on semen padang's kindergarten untill 2002, also on semen padang's elementary school (from 2001-2009). I've got my junior high school graduation on 2012 at Junior High School 8 padang and my "NEM" is 38,90. On 2012-2013 I was on Senior High School 1 Padang, then I moved to Senior High School 3 Bandung on 2013, because my father got another job in Surabaya. Because of my grandparents were on bandung, so, I moved to bandung.

I love storytelling. Because it can express what you feel from the story that you think it can express your feeling. I've got the second winner of Padang Storytelling contest (when i was 12 years old). I loved badminton and swimming so. Because badminton and swimming are the sports with the beuatiful art, like swimming in their style and about the speed. Also badminton which used your brain and your stamina. I've got the medal for both sports. Gold medals on 2010 and 2011. Also swimming on my club, I've got the gold medal too.